Showing posts from May, 2010
Health Risks of Not Enough Sleep
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Too little sleep impacts your levels of thyroid and stress hormones, which in turn can affect your memory and immune system, your heart and metabolism, and much more. Over time, lack of sleep can lead to: Accelerated aging Depression High blood sugar levels and an increased risk of diabetes Brain damage Recent research has also found that sleep duration was linked to gains in abdominal fat even after researchers accounted for other factors that could influence weight, such as calories consumed and exercise habits. This is the type of fat linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, strokes and other chronic diseases, so it’s a matter that goes way beyond aesthetics. What this means is that if you’re not taking your sleep needs seriously, you could be unknowingly sabotaging your weight -- and your health. One way this occurs is by altering levels of important hormones linked with appetite and eating behavior. When you are sleep deprived, your body decreases production of leptin, the hormon...
Pézinhos de princesa
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Diquinha para as amigas que moram em SP. No salão NaBahia, em Higienópolis, tem uma moça que tem o dom de fazer os seus pézinhos ficarem LINDOS, felizes, macios, maravilhosos. Ela é MEGA fera! Fui lá antes de voltar para NY, há uma semana e meia, e meus pés ainda estão perfeitos. O nome dela é SOCORRO. Se você quiser fazer uma manicure, tem a Maria Helena que é boa (meio devagar, mas bem cuidadosa e faz direitinho) e é a CARA, tô falando IDÊNTICA a Edna Moda do filme Os Incríveis. Recomendo a dupla dinâmica. O parzinho, uma do lado do outra então é uma visão. Vale a pena! NaBahia Rua Bahia, 778 - entre R.Goiás e R.Pará - Higienópolis (011) 3662-1774
Perfect Eye Brows
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Introduced by my friend Audrey, my new favorite eyebrow experts in New York are the girls at Madhu's Eyebrows. It's easy to miss Madhu's - it's just a tiny white room with 3 chairs. There they do magic with your eyebrows for a sweet $7 price! Threading is a great technique as an alternative to waxing or tweezing. It is done with an actual spool of sewing thread pulling hair out one follicle at a time therefore leaving you with a beautiful natural looking eyebrows.Why spend $30 to get your eye browns shaped at a nail salon when you can have PERFECT brows by going to Madhu's? (and note, if you, like me, have portuguese or italian blood, ask them to take care of your lady-mustache! - yeah, no denials here~They do a great job! :)) Check it out~! Madhu's Eyebrows 3 Greenwich Ave NYC (212) 243 7354 Talk to Nazma Mon-Sun 10:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Carinhas - How to Make Facebook Emoticons
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To do the common smiley face, simply do :) For a laughing face, :D If you would like to wink, do ;) To stick out your tongue at your fellow Facebook chatter, type :P To get a bit more creative with your emotions, you can be sad by typing :( and to show that you are crying, :'( If you would like to look grumpy, type >:-( and if you're mischievously laughing, >:o To make a smiley that is very happy, type in ^_^ For a shocked face, :o If you are confused, create a the confused emoticon by typing :/ To make a "cat smile," type :3 And if you're a little weirded out by something, O.o If you'd like to get a bit more creative, make a devil by entering 3:) and if you've been good, an angel is O:) To make a kissing face, type :* and if you'd like a heart To make a smiley with glasses, 8) If you'd like a cool little guy with some shades, type 8-| if you really want to have fun with the Facebook smilies, you can make a Pacman by typing :v a robot by ente...
Say no to genetic engineering | Greenpeace International
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Perfume Samples
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If you like trying perfumes, and wearing it for a few days before buying it, go to this site: (copy and paste link) They have every perfume you can imagine, but in little (tiny) sample bottles. The other day I tried Tom Ford's Private Blend Neroli Portofino and loved it. I wanted to make sure that I really like it, (you know, after a few days wearing it) before spending $160 on a perfume bottle. So I ordered a little sample from the perfume Court. I have done this before and I received the samples in a few days. It's great!
SENHORETTE ou "eu" serei "você"
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Hoje, mais uma vez, me vi pensando em um certo assunto, que resolvi então dividir com vocês, amigos navegantes. Todos nós já ouvimos falar do tal dizer, que se refere å idade: "os 80 são os novos 70, os 70 são os novos 60, os 60 são os novos 50, os 50, os novos 40, e os 40 são os novos 30..." não é mesmo? Pois bem, então gostaria de propor uma idéia... Que tal criarmos um meio termo entre as palavras SENHORA e SENHORITA??? Eu, por exemplo, não sou mais nenhuma SENHORITA, mas sinceramente, ainda não consegui me acostumar a ser chamada de SENHORA. SENHORA é a minha avó, e minha mãe (e olhe lá por que até ela tá meio enxuta para "SENHORA", talvez devessemos criar mais de um termo) Ontem a noite, a caminho entre Pacaembu até a casa do chapéu da Vila Olimpia, papo vai, papo vem, com o simpatico motorista de taxi, eu indaguei: "Moço, quando é que você pára de chamar uma passageira de Senhorita e começa a chama-la de SENHORA? Voce examina ela? Conta as rugas? Vê se te...