Showing posts from May, 2011
The videos playing in the elevators at the Standard Hotel - NYC
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Guests at the Standard Hotel, are treated to an awesome eye candy: "Civilization," a depiction of heaven, hell, and purgatory created by video artist Marco Brambilla. The video artist compiled hundreds of movie clips into one stunning piece inspired by Dante's Inferno. The piece runs as one enormous video collage. As the elevator rises, the sequence, running from an overhead projector, ascends to heaven. As the elevator descends, the video runs in reverse, ending in hell. Brambilla created the piece by assembling the movie clips, which he photoshopped together. He then took these to a digital animation house which combined all the clips, so that each one runs in a loop as part of one single video collage. I recommend a happy hour drink at the Boom Boom Room (the bar at the top of the Standard Hotel) even if just for the elevator ride! (Well, you will enjoy the view from up there as well and that is a promise!) Watch the video by clicking the link.
Paul McCartney on Céu
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coluna Na platéia do show de Paul McCartney, estavam a atriz Patrícia Pillar e o ex-ministro Ciro Gomes, com menos cabelos e barba rala e grisalha. Ele contava que My Love era sua música favorita, que “se dança juntinho, old fashion , como eu fazia”. E garantia que sua geração “começa com Elvis, passa pelos Beatles e deságua na Céu, compositora fantástica”.
Quote of The Day
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"A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." ~ Roald Dahl* * Roald Dahl (13 September 1916 – 23 November 1990) was a British novelist, short story writer and screenwriter of Norwegian descent, who rose to prominence in the 1940s with works for both children and adults, and became one of the world's bestselling authors.
New Wine added to my list: POGGIO SAN POLO RUBIO 2008.
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This afternoon I stopped by one of my favorite spots for a Happy Hour in São Paulo - Santo Grão - and I had a glass of a particular Sangiovese that stuck with me: POGGIO SAN POLO RUBIO 2008. I am already a fan of Italian wines, but I had never tried this 100% Sangiovese beauty. Poggio San Polo has a beautiful ruby red color with purple hues and a very intense bouquet of cherries, currants, cassis and even violets. It is bold and yet it is smooth and silky, filled with subtle spicy notes. I appreciate wines with a big personality and I am adding San Polo 2008 to my list. ps: Did you know that the name Sangiovese comes from the Latin sanguis Jovis , "the blood of Jove"? Jove = Zeus Cheers!
Léa Van Steen - É hoje!
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clicar na imagem para ampliá-la VAMOS LÁ CONFERIR O QUE A NOSSA TALENTOSA e QUERIDA LÉA ANDA INVENTANDO. A abertura é hoje na Mônica Filgueiras - Rua Bela Cintra, 1533 - 19H from causasonorablog: Mônica Filgueiras Galeria de Arte abre a exposição Coleção Particular , a primeira individual de Lea van Steen no circuito cultural. A mostra de vídeo-arte, com curadoria de Mônica Filgueiras , conta com as obras Jukebox , vídeo-instalação composta por oito vídeo-objetos, e o vídeo Favela . Ambas são marcadas pela dualidade, seja entre material e imaterial, real e imaginário ou registro imortalizado e efemeridade. A criação dos trabalhos de Lea van Steen nasce pela captação de imagens de seu cotidiano, que se colocam ora como pequenos tesouros guardados em caixas, ora como “pintura” em movimento. Coleção Particular é a primeira exposição individual de Lea van Steen no circuito cultural. A videomaker paulistana desenvolve seu trabalho transitando por diversos registros em vídeo (objeto...
Running nose
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Today I feel like my head is a big box of snot. One of those boxes, like the cheesy wine boxes we can buy nowadays, you know? The ones that have a little faucet? Well, my snot head box's faucet is definitely busted because it won't stop dripping. I think I blew my nose about seventeen hundred times today and now I look like Rudolph the reindeer. Other than my stuffy penthouse and the broken faucet I feel alright though. It got me thinking, what exactly is the function of a "runny nose"? What kind of process is that, and why do we have to go through so many boxes of kleenex??? Can we just get it over with and get rid of the m*@##rf*#@ing snot in one giant, mind boggling BLOW? Argh!!! So I went in search of the scientific (or would that classify it as biological?) explanation for the snot spring that gets activated, every time we have a cold: *What is a Runny Nose? A runny nose, also known as rhinorrhea, is usually the first sign of a cold or flu, although you might als...
How to make a Tagliatelle tree and the official Ragú alla Bolognesee
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Last night I had the pleasure to be invited to a wonderful dinner at a friend's house, where she prepared one of the best pasta dishes I have ever had. What she made for us, according to her, was the official Ragú alla Bolognese. Well, one might argue that there isn’t one authentic recipe for Ragu alla Bolognese, but I must tell you, this one is the closest thing to the original. After doing a little research I found out that on October 17, 1982, the Bolognese chapter of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina, -“after having carried out long and laborious investigations and conducted studies and research”- announced that this particular recipe, the recipe that my friend followed, IS the official one. Here are some notes about the dish: A ragu Bolognese style is a meat- and tomato-based pasta sauce originating in Bologna, Italy. The sauce is typically made by simmering ground meat in tomato base, white wine, and stock for a long time (often up to four hours), so that the meat softens a...
Higienópolis: o preconceito estúpido da imprensa contra gente decente avançou para o anti-semitismo neonazista
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Aclimação - do francês Jardim d´Acclimation Água Branca - nome de antigo córrego Água Rasa - na região o ribeirão Tatuapé era raso Artur Alvim - nome do engenheiro que projetou a estação de trem Barra Funda - na região a barra do Tietê era funda Bela Vista - vem da bela paisagem da região onde hoje é a Praça da Bandeira Belém - vem de São José do Belém Bixiga - de Antônio Bexiga Bom Retiro - o local era procurado pelas pessoas para o seu "retiro" de fim de semana Brás - de José Braz Brasilândia - vem de Companhia Brasilândia, de José Munhoz Bonilha Brooklin - vem de Brooklyn (Nova Iorque), em alemão da Idade Média significa ponte pequena Butantã - "solo duríssimo" Cambuci - "pote"; tipo de árvore Cangaíba - "cabeça ruim, dor de cabeça" Canindé - "arara azul"; "vozerio, gritaria"; "escuro" Campo Belo - no local havia uma parada de bonde com esse nome Campos Elísios - vem de Champs Elysées, em Paris Capão Redondo - cap...
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This morning I woke up with LA VIE EN ROSE in my head. LA VIE EN ROSE means something like, "Life in Rosy Hues". The music for the song was written in or before 1946 by is Louis Gugliemi (aka Louiguy) and the lyrics were composed by Édith Piaf herself, the French songstress who made it famous. There has been at least one English version of the lyrics, by Mack David, but it is a rewrite along vaguely similar lines rather than a translation. I decided to publish the original lyrics in French and the closest translation to the original lyrics, in english. Also published here are the links to my favorite versions of the song, sang by Piaf, Louis Armstrong and Grace Jones. (if links don't work, copy and paste them into your browser) LA VIE EN ROSE (French Lyrics) Des yeux qui font baisser les miens, Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche— Voilà le portrait sans retouche De l’homme auquel j’app...
Quote of The Day
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The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science. Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear, is a dead man. To know that what is impenetrable for us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties - this knowledge, this feeling ... that is the core of the true religious sentiment. In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men. He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. Albert Einstein
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Spanking new column, about tips on "HOW TO GET THE BOY" Today's Tip: "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. or (“Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.) Matthew 7:6
Quote of The Day
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Wonderful Mother God made a wonderful mother, A mother who never grows old; He made her smile of the sunshine, And He moulded her heart of pure gold; In her eyes He placed bright shining stars, In her cheeks fair roses you see; God made a wonderful mother, And He gave that dear mother to me. by Pat O'Reilly
Hate for hate multiplies hate
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"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Jr