Today I talked to a bunch of kiwis.
No no, I am not talking about New Zealanders. I am talking about the actual fruit. I went into a store and saw a big pile of good-looking kiwis. I swear the kiwis lured me towards them, and I decided to pick one. I looked at the pile and I asked:
“Which one of you is the sweetest of all?” And all the little kiwis directed me to this specific hairy chubby green kiwi in the middle of the pile. Now, here’s the thing, either I am losing my mind and talking to fruit or I am actually in tune with the universe. I say that because, rewinding a bit on my story, an hour or so before my kiwi encounter, I was taking a yoga class and had to stop my practice a few times due to severe muscle cramps on my legs. Just out of curiosity, once I got home and was ready to have my kiwi, I googled about kiwi’s properties. To my surprise, the first phrase I read was: “Kiwis are one of the best things for the prevention of Hypokalemia .” Hypokalemia is a me...