
Showing posts from October, 2011

Quote of The Day

When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system's game. The establishment will irritate  you - pull your beard, flick you face -  to make you fight.  Because once they've got you violent,  then they know how to handle you.  The only thing they don't know how to handle  is non-violence and humor.  ~ Jonh  Lennon

IMPORTANTE - Perigos do Benzeno!

POR ESSAS E OUTRAS É QUE, ÀS VEZES, PESSOAS SÃO ACOMETIDAS DE ENFERMIDADES GRAVES E NÃO SABEM A CAUSA. E a gente nem se dá conta......Olha o risco! CARROS ESTACIONADOS AO SOL Preste atenção! Um carro estacionado na sombra durante um dia com as janelas fechadas pode conter de 400-800 mg. de Benzeno. Se está no sol a uma temperatura superior a 16º C., o nível de Benzeno subirá a 2000-4000 mg, 40 vezes mais o nível aceitável...      A pessoa que entra no carro mantendo as janelas fechadas inevitavelmente aspirará em rápida sucessão, excessivas quantidades desta toxina.      O Benzeno é uma toxina que afeta o rim e o fígado. E o que é pior, é extremamente difícil para o organismo expulsar esta substância tóxi...

A Few Favorite Brazilian Portuguese Expressions

A Few Favorite Brazilian Portuguese Expressions By Karen Keller In using these phrases, not only can you sound like a native Brazilian, but you may be able to recognize these commonplace expressions. Brazilian Portuguese is a fun language. It's humorous and full of spice and emotion. Think of these phrases as clues to Brazilian culture. They start to paint a picture of a nation full of lively, friendly, and laid-back people. Que saudade! The word saudade (sah-ooh-dah-jee) has no direct translation in English, and it's a major source of linguistic pride for Brazilians. Use Que saudade! (kee sah-ooh-dah-jee) when you miss something so desperately, you have a heartache over it. People say Que saudade! when they remember their best friend who's now living far away, or their childhood beach. Brazilians also often say simply Saudades! at the end of e-mails to tell you they're missing you terribly. Fala sério! Say Fala sério (fah-lah ...

Nick Jonah Davis

Nick Jonah Davis Thanks to PANDORA, I heard the music of Nick Jonah Davis and completely fell in love with it. I read a review about Nicks work written by Raymond Morin and I would like to share it with you. Tompkins Square has had a few homerun records in the last year… William Tyler’s spellbinding Behold The Spirit , and the Beyond Berkeley Guitar compilation would be indispensable acoustic guitar albums in just about any era, but are definite standouts in today’s fuzzy, post-everything musical landscape. The label’s winning streak quietly continues with Nick Jonah Davis’ proper debut, Of Time And Tides . Davis, though young, is not a completely new name on the underground acoustic scene. The Nottingham-based guitarist was featured on Imaginational Anthem Volume 4 , and also had a digital release called Guitar Music Volume 1 , both distributed by Tompkins Square. His playing on those records, though competent, was more or less indistinguishable from any of th...

Confession - Baudelaire

    Confession   Une fois, une seule, aimable et douce femme, À mon bras votre bras poli S'appuya (sur le fond ténébreux de mon âme Ce souvenir n'est point pâli); II était tard; ainsi qu'une médaille neuve La pleine lune s'étalait, Et la solennité de la nuit, comme un fleuve, Sur Paris dormant ruisselait. Et le long des maisons, sous les portes cochères, Des chats passaient furtivement L'oreille au guet, ou bien, comme des ombres chères, Nous accompagnaient lentement. Tout à coup, au milieu de l'intimité libre Eclose à la pâle clarté De vous, riche et sonore instrument où ne vibre Que la radieuse gaieté, De vous, claire et joyeuse ainsi qu'une fanfare Dans le matin étincelant Un...


click image to enlarge   JESUS WAS A COMMIE – a movie by Matthew Modine, was particularly interesting to me due to the fact that I was raised by a half Catholic, half Buddhist mom. In my view, Matthew’s argument is that Jesus was a communist because of the way that he spread the idea that all people are the same and deserve equal rights and opportunities. Matthew talks about how Jesus revolution completely changed the way people thought and how it opened up theirs hearts to love and forgiveness. He talks about the fact that Jesus was able to change people without the use of force or any kind of violence.The movie does not talk about the politics of religion but rather seems to focus on Jesus and other spiritual leaders and how their teachings are similar to the communist philosophy. I was brought up going to church and learning about Jesus teachings, but mom had a way of making it all make sense to my brothers and I by giving the catholic ideology a little Buddhist...

Quote of The Day

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”  – Dr. Seuss

X Factor Australia - Emmanuel Kelly (LEGENDADO PT)

very touching

Chad Dennis - Yogis, check this out!

There is nothing like an amazing yoga practice.  I had a class with Chad today that was so absolutely perfect, inspiring, enriching and enlightening that I had to mention this incredible teacher's gift on my blog. It is no wonder that he has been hired to tour with Maroon 5 for years and when he is not able to be with the band he teaches them via skype!  (Adam Levine can not live without Chad's class!) Chad Dennis has been practicing yoga for over 20 years and teaching for 15. He has completed many teacher trainings and has obtained numerous certifications including OM, Yoga Works, Anusara, Bhava, Bikram, TRX and Revolution In Motion to name just a few. Over the last 20 years Chad studied directly under such esteemed teachers as John Friend, Dr. Robert Svaboda, Gulan Mirashi, David Life, Eddie Stern, Rodney Yee, Bruce Holmes (Feldenkrais), S.N. Goenka, Irene Dowd and Dr. Edythe Heus. He is currently studying at UCLA and working towards his Masters ...
To spare oneself from grief at all cost can be achieved only at the price of total detachment,  which excludes the ability to experience happiness Erich Fromm (1900-1980, German born American social Philosopher and Psychoanalyst)


Our most beautiful, and absolutely unique word is so full of feelings and soul - so brazilian... :) Saudade (singular) or saudades (plural) is a Portuguese word that can be translated as "longing, yearning", which describes a deep emotional state of nostalgic longing for something or someone that one loves and which is apart. It often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return. Saudade has been described as a "vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist ... a turning towards the past or towards the future" A stronger form of saudade may be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as a lost lover, or a family member who has gone missing. It may also be translated as a deep longing or yearning for something which does not exist or is unattainable. Saudade was once described as "the love that remains" or "the love that stays" af...

Quote of The Day

Oft in the tranquil hour of night, When stars illume the sky,  I gaze upon each orb of light, And wish that thou wert by.  - Geroge Linley

Quote of The Day

I travel a lot;  I hate having my life disrupted by routine.   ~Caskie Stinnett