A wise man once said, “Drinking beer doesn’t make you fat; it makes you lean… against bars, tables, chairs and poles.” Turns out the guy was half right. The college lifestyle of all-you-can eat dining halls, all night study sessions and partying Thursday to Sunday can quickly catch up to your waist line. For proof, check out 80 Epic Beer Bellies [PICS] . If you’ve recently discovered your gut and sides hanging over your pants like a muffin top, it might be time to cut back on the brewskis. You may not want to hear it, but in addition to eating healthy and regularly exercising, you have to stop drinking if you want to lose that beer gut. Alcohol is nothing but empty calories, and when you drink, your body uses the calories from the alcohol for energy instead of fat. Any calories from alcohol that are not used for energy are stored as fat. This is how you gain weight from drinking. Quitting the bottle to lose weight is especially hard to do when you consider ...