Driving on the OTHER side of the road
Usually I think of myself as a good driver. I have driven a lot, on tough roads, long distances and crazy weather. I started driving at an early age and one of my first road experiences was when mom let me take the wheel while driving between São Paulo and the Amazon. Well, only for a few minutes since I was only 14 years old. We were on a small patch of dirt road and we were driving a Ford Caravan. I felt so powerful. I loved being in command of that machine that could take us places! I will tell you, those few minutes were enough to spark a passion for driving and for road trips. From that moment on I was hooked. I would always be the designated driver on many long trips through North and South of Brazil. I was convinced that I was the best driver of all of my friends so I would gladly take the wheel, sometimes for 18 hours straight. I loved everything about it. The whole body and machine integration was a definite high for me. This went on from when I was 18 (mini...