Being classy is not about being stuck up, owning expensive cars and flying first class. Being classy is about having style and taking care to be polite to others and to reflect a genuine interest in them. It is also about being confident in yourself. Here's a little guide list on how to be classy, or: selfless, generous, compassionate and responsible. 1- Treat others the way you would want to be treated . The Golden Rule truly is a time honored guide for treating adults and children with class. Giving others advance notice before cancelling dinner invitations, speaking up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, calling your parents to update them on yourself, checking in with friends; these are all simple gestures that demonstrate your class and authenticity. Ensure you choose friends who share your values. 2- Choose your battles, choose your friends . Few battles are truly worth fighting. Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves (the elderly, children,...