
Showing posts from July, 2011


Being classy is not about being stuck up, owning expensive cars and flying first class. Being classy is about having style and taking care to be polite to others and to reflect a genuine interest in them. It is also about being confident in yourself. Here's a little guide list on how to be classy, or: selfless, generous, compassionate and responsible. 1- Treat others the way you would want to be treated . The Golden Rule truly is a time honored guide for treating adults and children with class. Giving others advance notice before cancelling dinner invitations, speaking up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, calling your parents to update them on yourself, checking in with friends; these are all simple gestures that demonstrate your class and authenticity. Ensure you choose friends who share your values. 2- Choose your battles, choose your friends . Few battles are truly worth fighting. Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves (the elderly, children,...


At first glance it seems like the work of a child equipped with a box of crayons . Or maybe the stripes of a purple , yellow , red , orange , pink and green patchwork quilt. However , far from the notebook of a child or a double bed, that is, in fact, North-Holland , before the summer, where over 10 000 hectares are devoted to growing these delicate flowers. The Dutch landscape in May is a dizzying kaleidoscope of color with tulips bursting into life. The bulbs are planted in late October and early November , and these colorful creations are ready to be harvested and sold as a bouquet of flowers in florists and supermarkets. More than three billion tulips are planted each year in the Netherlands and two-thirds of vibrant flowers are exported , mainly to the U.S. and Germany. The largest tulip fields in Holland can be found in the gardens of Keukenhof tulips . Enjoy some eye candy pictures of this stunning show of n...

Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie


Samba to Bossa


Mick and the green lagoon - Lençois Maranhenses

photo by ana cissa pinto click image to enlarge

Rio Preguiças/Maranhão July 2011

photo by ana cissa pinto - july 2011 click image to enlarge

Kind of Spooky

Ok now I wonder if the FB marketing people can read our minds... We all know that they will pick up on words we write, find the interest we might have and then post ads about it on our pages. Common knowledge. HOWEVER this goes beyond big brother.... today at lunch I bumped into a friend of mine that told me that he has been working as a consultant for the RICHARDS brand in Brazil. I come back home and I am now receiving ads about RICHARDS. I certainly hope that this is JUST a weird coincidence. And if this is not a coincidence, I want to know HOW THEY DO IT!! Does the Facebook iPhone app capture what you say as well??? YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf. ! a

I Wish I knew


Quote of The Day

"L'absence diminue les médiocres passions, et augmente les grandes, comme le vent éteint les bougies et allume le feu." (Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans a fire.) ~Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld



Quote of The Day

picture taken at Casa Cor on July 2nd 2011 - click to enlarge There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance. ~Joseph Addison