
Showing posts from June, 2012

Jalapeños - who knew?

6 Health Benefits of Jalapenos     Jalapeño peppers are named after Xalapa in Mexico, where they were originally cultivated. Chili peppers have been cultivated in Mexico and Central America for over seven thousand years and used as a foodstuff and medicine too. In the 15th century that chili peppers were introduced to the rest of the world as a substitute for black pepper, which was very expensive then as it had to be imported from Asia. Ferdinand Magellan is credited with bringing them to Africa and Asia, where they have long since been incorporated into cuisine and medicine. Here are six health benefits of jalapenos. Migraine Relief Studies have shown that jalapeño peppers may provide pain relief for migraine headaches. Capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili peppers hot, is known to inhibit a key neuropeptide, Substance P, that is the key brain pain transmitter. Prevent Sinusitis and Relieve Congestion The heat in a jalapeño pepper stimulates...

O meu Jejum - O Master Cleanse, agora em português!

  Click link to watch video Duas vezes por ano eu faço um jejum por 10 dias. Uma vez na Primavera e outra no Outono. É uma maneira de limpar e equilibrar meu organismo depois de todo o inverno e também das indulgências Verão! Eu tenho feito esta "limpeza especial" há mais de 5 anos e eu amo a maneira que me faz sentir. Esse meu Jejum, aqui nos EUA se chama Master Cleanse O que é o Master Cleanse? O Master Cleanse é um programa desintoxicação do corpo e da mente criado em 1941 por um "bruxo da medicina alternativa" chamado Stanley Burroughs. Burroughs afirma que "este jejum é um programa de desintoxicação que ajuda na eliminação de toxinas nocivas, como pesticidas, hormônios, medicamentos, fertilizantes químicos, metais pesados ​​e os outros elementos toxicos que se acumulam no corpo." Quais são os benefícios dessa limpeza? Quebrar hábitos não saudáveis. Limpar seu corpo de anos de lixo acumulado. ...

SUBTLE SEDUCTION - Sutil sedução

A column about tips on "HOW TO GET THE BOY" Today's Tip: S U BTL E S E D U CTIO N When you next drink anything in front of a man,  let your tongue come out of your mouth just the tiniest bit, to cushion the edge of the glass or cup. I guarantee you'll get a reaction. Dica de hoje:   S U TI L S E D U ÇÃ O Na próxima vez que beber qualquer coisa na frente de um homem,  deixe sua língua sair da sua boca um pouquinho   para amortecer a borda do copo .   Pode deixar que este ato não vai passar desapercebido.


The word KISS   comes from the 12th-Century English word  "CYSSAN"  which refers to  "WET, SOUL, or TONGUE"

Céu at the Highline Ballroom - NYC

My beautiful cousin Céu will be performing at the Highline Ballroom on June 10th 2012 The doors open at 6pm and the show, that usually starts on time at this venue, is scheduled for 8pm. Curumin is the opening act and he rocks. I wouldn't miss those amazing musicians! Get your tickets now before it's sold out. 431 W. 16th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues.  Here's the BIO from the HB site Since emerging from São Paulo, Brazil, onto the global music stage just five years ago, Brazilian phenomenon Céu has captivated the world with her beautifully simple melodies, sophisticated arrangements, and disarmingly honest songwriting. Crooning with a warmth and sensuality far more interesting and complex than the warbling of the sex-kittens-of-the-month that perennially inhabit the American R&B charts, this young vocalist sings as if she were imparting secrets. Her songs sound like they're informed by life as it is really lived, in all of i...