East Village Farm & Grocery - great family-run business that is ALWAYS open!

If you live in the East Village or near Union Square, take advantage of the Village Farm Grocery.
They are the big deli on the corner of 9th Street and 2nd Ave, across the street from Veselka.
They have great, fresh and organic products (and they buy from local farmers too!), fresh squeezed juices, fruit salads, an entire selection dedicated to Gourmet Foods, cheeses, 400+ kinds of Beer (dozens of varieties beers with a global span of U.N. proportions, from sweet raspberry Lambic Belgian ale to fragrant Harpoon India Pale Ale) & Huge selection of sweets, chocolates, cookies, biscuits, and teas from around the world. Entire aisle stocked with cereal from bottom of the floor to the roof. Etc Etc...And they Deliver! Within the hour! With a smile!
You can go on their site:
http://www.villagefarmgrocery.com and order!
They are the big deli on the corner of 9th Street and 2nd Ave, across the street from Veselka.
They have great, fresh and organic products (and they buy from local farmers too!), fresh squeezed juices, fruit salads, an entire selection dedicated to Gourmet Foods, cheeses, 400+ kinds of Beer (dozens of varieties beers with a global span of U.N. proportions, from sweet raspberry Lambic Belgian ale to fragrant Harpoon India Pale Ale) & Huge selection of sweets, chocolates, cookies, biscuits, and teas from around the world. Entire aisle stocked with cereal from bottom of the floor to the roof. Etc Etc...And they Deliver! Within the hour! With a smile!
You can go on their site:
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